Opening Times

  • Monday: 10am – 5pm (last entry 4pm)
  • Tuesday: 10am – 5pm (last entry 4pm)
  • Wednesday: 10am – 5pm (last entry 4pm)
  • Thursday: 10am – 5pm (last entry 4pm)
  • Friday: 10am – 5pm (last entry 4pm)
  • Saturday: 10am – 5pm (last entry 4pm)
  • Sunday: 10am – 5pm (last entry 4pm)

Cuckoo Wrasse (Labrus mixtus) is a bright-looking fish that can be found in the colder waters around our coastlines. As with most wrasse species, they are usually born female and will turn into a male as they mature.

Female Cuckoo Wrasse can lay thousands of eggs at a time in a nest of algae and the male will guard the nest from predators.



What do they eat?

Crustaceans, fish and molluscs



Water Type

Cold saltwater

Where are we?

North Atlantic, UK coasts

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